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Item |
Opening speeches
Approval of the Agenda |
1 |
Approval of the Minutes of the 46th CIML Meeting |
2 |
General report by the CIML President |
3 |
Presentations by the candidates for CIML first Vice-President Addendum 3 |
4 |
BIML activities
4.1 General report on BIML activities Addendum 4.1a Addendum 4.1b
4.2 Report on BIML Staff matters Addendum 4.2
4.3 Revision of the Staff Regulations |
5 |
Member States and Corresponding Members |
6 |
Financial matters
6.1 Approval of the 2011 accounts Addendum 6.1
6.2 Management of the Translation Center
6.3 OIML Pension System
6.4 Revision of the Financial Regulations
6.5 Contributory classification of Member States Addendum 6.5
6.6 Proposal for a special fund for developing countries Addendum 6.6
6.7 Travel expenses for CIML Members of Honor and invited guests Addendum 6.7
Outstanding arrears of Member States and Corresponding Members
6.9 Examination of the proposed budget for the 2013-2016 financial period Addendum 6.9 |
7 |
Report on Developing Countries |
8 |
8.1 Report on the cooperation with the BIPM Addendum 8.1
8.2 Report by the BIML on liaison activities Addendum 8.2
8.3 Reports from / presentations by liaison organizations
8.4 Report on the RLMO Round Table |
9 |
Technical activities
9.1 Proposals for amending the Directives for OIML technical work
9.2 Items for information
9.3 Items for approval Addendum 9.3.3 Addendum 9.3.4 Addendum 9.3.5 Addendum 9.3.6
9.4 OIML Systems
9.5 The new SI and the impact on legal metrology Addendum 9.5 |
10 |
Preparation of the 14th Conference
10.1 Review of the draft agenda for the 14th Conference
10.2 Nominations for the Presidency of the 14th Conference |
11 |
Review of the Resolutions of the 14th Conference |
12 |
Election of the CIML first Vice-President |
13 |
Awards |
14 |
Future meetings
14.1 48th CIML Meeting (2013)
14.2 49th CIML Meeting (2014) |
15 |
Vote on Meeting Resolutions |