









Contact information

Most of the information you require to plan your trip to Romania should be available on this web site.
However, for additional information please feel free to contact either the BIML, the Radisson Blu Hotel,
or the Romanian Bureau of Legal Metrology (B.R.M.L.) as below.


International Bureau of Legal Metrology (BIML)
11 Rue Turgot
F-75009 Paris

Tel.: +33 1 4878 1282
Fax: +33 1 4282 1727

Inquiries concerning registration, administrative matters, etc.:
Mrs. Patricia Saint-Germain (BIML)

Inquiries concerning this web site (only):
Mr. Chris Pulham (BIML)

Radisson Blu Hotel, Bucharest

Please see the Accommodation page for the hotel contact details and for information on how to reserve your hotel room(s).

Romanian Bureau of Legal Metrology (B.R.M.L.)

Mr. Dumitru Dinu
Deputy General Director
Romanian Bureau of Legal Metrology
Sos. Vitan Barzesti 11
Sector 4
042122 Bucuresti

Tel.: +40 21-332 09 54
Fax: +40 21-332 06 15

E-Mail no. 1 or E-Mail no. 2

Web Site