









Invitation from Peter Mason, CIML President


Dear Colleagues,

The CIML will hold its 47th Meeting in Bucharest, Romania, on Monday 1 October (afternoon), Tuesday, 2 October and Friday 5 October 2012 (morning) in conjunction with the 14th OIML Conference.

The CIML Meeting will be preceded by a RLMO Round Table (on Monday 1 October, morning) for representatives of invited organizations.

We invite you to be ready to take the floor during the CIML Meeting.

As you know, it is essential that the Committee has sufficient voting Members for a quorum. Therefore:

  • if you are personally unable to attend this meeting, please advise the BIML Director of the name of the individual in your country's delegation you are designating to vote on your behalf,
  • if you anticipate that you or your delegation may be absent during any of the CIML Meeting sessions, please give a proxy to another CIML Member when registering on-line.

The BIML has prepared this web site for the Bucharest meetings; it provides detailed information about the venue and meetings. Registration for attendance of the CIML Meeting will again this year be on-line via this web site. The deadline for registration is 1 July 2012; if you are unable to register via the web site, please contact the BIML and alternative arrangements will be made.

Please note that invitations for the 14th Conference have been sent to your government via your country’s embassy in Paris. A copy of this invitation has also been sent to each CIML Member. In addition to registering online for the CIML Meeting, you are invited to also register your country’s delegates to the Conference online. However, as indicated in the letter to the embassies, a written and signed confirmation of the official delegates to the Conference is required.

Lastly, obtaining a visa may be a lengthy process, so we urge you to make your application as soon as possible.

Looking forward to seeing you again in Bucharest,


Yours faithfully,


Peter Mason
CIML President


Download the invitation to CIML Members as a PDF file:

Download the invitation to OIML Corresponding Members as a PDF file: